Additional Deposit Option (ADO)

This option will be available starting March 23, 2025

Additional Deposit Option (ADO) is available with the Estate Enhancer and Accelerated Growth participating whole life insurance products.

Additional Deposit Option (ADO) is a flexible, tax-efficient solution that allows policyowners to make deposits in addition to their base premium payments.

Deposits made are voluntary. They can be used to purchase paid-up additions on top of the paid-up additions purchased with the dividends that may be credited each year, which increases the amount of insurance payable upon death. This means the policy’s paid-up additions will increase more quickly, as will the associated cash surrender value.

This solution allows members and clients to take advantage of the tax benefits of participating life insurance while tailoring coverage to meet their specific personal or business needs.


A flexible, tax-efficient solution that you and your clients will appreciate

For more information about this product range, visit the Participating whole life insurance page.

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Primarily mass-affluent and high net worth individuals and business owners who have already maxed out their contributions to registered plans (RRSPs, TFSAs and RESPs), have extra cash and want to optimize their savings.
